Tech Advancements In Dentistry You Should Know About
Today, technology is playing an integral role in the world of dentistry. For example, Denver, CO Emergency Dentist are now using technologies like remote diagnosis, digital radiography, and MRI to provide their patients with the most modern of treatments. With the rise of smartphone use, apps are also being developed for the dentist to update you on your dental health progress. These are just some of the many ways that technology is taking over the dental industry.=
The best thing about technology is that it has evolved rapidly. There are so many great new technological advances in the dental industry that you should know about. Here are five things:
Digital X-rays
The use of digital x-rays is becoming more and more popular with dentists around the world due to their ability to take high-quality pictures without using radiation. All you have to do is snap your teeth like you would a photo! Your dentist will then be able to view them on his computer screen. This can help better diagnose if anything is wrong, as well as give you peace of mind knowing that there isn’t any harmful radiation being emitted from the machine onto your body. Nowadays, many braces, retainers, and even dental implants are placed with the help of digital x-rays.
Non-Invasive Periodontal Diagnosis
Have you ever had your gums examined during a routine check-up? If this has happened, you probably know that it can be a bit uncomfortable and sometimes even extremely painful. This is not the case with non-invasive periodontal diagnosis, which only requires the use of sound waves to determine if there are any issues with your gums. Not only is this painless, but also instantaneous. The dentist will have results within seconds instead of having to wait days for lab test results!
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It has been around for many decades and has been used extensively by medical professionals to detect diseases such as cancer. Nowadays, thanks to advancements in technology, dentists have been able to add it into their workflow so that they can help better diagnose serious diseases such as tumors or head trauma. The great thing about MRI is that it uses no harmful radiation and is painless which means that you don’t have to worry about any adverse side effects such as pain or burning sensations during your visit.
Digital Dental Records
Many dentists around the world are now utilizing a system called digital dental records, which allows them to store all of their patients’ information into one central database. It’s much more efficient than having paper files because they can be accessed from anywhere in the world in seconds! This also helps dentists determine what treatments their patients need as well as monitor their progress. This way, they can make sure that the treatments their patients are receiving are effective and efficient.
Dental Apps
Finally, there have been new advancements in technology through the creation of apps for your smartphone. There are several out there for you to download such as Floss Bar which tracks how often you floss and Brush DJ, which will play music every time you brush your teeth! It’s a fun way not only to keep track of what needs to get done but also makes brushing teeth more enjoyable.
The great thing about all these technological advances is that it helps you gain peace of mind knowing that everything is being taken care of during treatment. The dentist’s main priority is to ensure that his/her patient has nothing to worry about and that’s why they are always finding new ways to help you keep your teeth in optimal health!
Choosing a dentist who uses state-of-the-art technology can help ensure that you get the best quality treatment possible so that your teeth can stay healthy and strong. Make sure that you find a dentist who is experienced with the latest technologies so that they can deliver you with a lifetime of care.